Our Core Values
Our Core Values answer the question:
“Who are we?”
They define the primary guiding principles we hold to as a church. They help define our church culture. We are…
Bible Centered
“The Bible, God’s inerrant Word, is the authoritative source of truth and is sufficient for all of life. The teaching and application of God’s Word is central to all we do.”
Gospel Driven
“Our ministry is rooted and centered in the gospel of Jesus Christ, the good news of God’s saving grace and the sanctifying power to change our lives. This message of hope motivates us to worship God, to reach those who don’t know Christ, and to grow in Christ-likeness.”
Spiritually Growing
“We grow as disciples in Christ as we learn and apply the truth of the Bible. This life change occurs as we draw close to Christ through personal study, prayer, small group Bible studies, fellowship groups, Sunday morning worship, and biblical counseling.”
Community Oriented
“We are a spiritual family united by our faith in Christ. We serve one another by exercising our spiritual gifts, fostering unity, and developing loving and caring relationships.”
Mission Statement
As believers in Jesus Christ, our mission answers the question,
“Why are we here?”
It’s derived from two overarching biblical principles:
Our highest goal in everything we do, according to the Bible, is to bring glory to God. We are called to “Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name” (1 Chronicles 16:29). In fact, God wants us to bring Him glory in literally everything we do – including even the most mundane things: “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). When we obey God’s commands in the power of the Holy Spirit and fulfill His purposes, we bring Him glory.
Jesus commanded His disciples, and by extension, He commands us today, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:19-20).
Statement of Faith
Our core beliefs based on the Scriptures.
We believe the scriptures of both the Old and New Testaments are the inspired word of God. (2 Timothy 3:16-17) We believe the Holy Spirit guided and directed human authors to create God’s written means of communication with us, which reveals God’s love and plan to be in relationship with all of humanity. The Bible is God’s blueprint for living the Christian life and is sufficient for all doctrinal and testimonial instruction.
We believe in one God, who exists in three distinct persons…the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Each person of the Trinity is equally the one God in being, essence, character, power and eternal qualities.
We believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Savior who came to earth in the flesh to reveal God to humans and to restore all of fallen humanity to a personal relationship with God. We believe Jesus was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary; he is both fully human and fully God. Jesus lived a perfect, sinless life and embodies the truth about God and the Truth of God. Jesus willingly died on the cross to demonstrate God’s love for sinful humans and to provide salvation for all humanity. His sacrifice in our place provides all humans the means to be reconnected with their loving Creator. We believe in the physical resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Jesus ascended into heaven, where he rules as our Lord (absolute authority) and advocate. Jesus will return to earth in the future to establish God’s perfect peace and justice for all time.
We believe in the divine personhood of the Holy Spirit as an equal part of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit is God present, living within each follower to empower a life that reflects the lifestyle, values and character of Jesus. The Holy Spirit is the change agent in the lives of Jesus’ followers, illuminating God’s word for understanding and application in the life of each. The Spirit is involved in progressively transforming each follower into the image of Christ and is actively working within the Christian community and world at large to bring about God’s plan of redemption for all people and all creation.
It is God’s will that his children live life to the fullest and to that end He has provided for us to be both indwelt by the Holy Spirit at conversion and also to be filled with the Holy Spirit subsequent to conversion. We believe that the fullness of the Spirit will empower us for more fulfilling Christian service as well as cleanse us from the desire to do contrary to the known will of God.
We believe that God desires that his children walk in the light as he is in the light. Therefore, God makes provision for us to both know and do the truth by giving to us of Himself in the person of the Holy Spirit. We are responsible to both live in obedience to scripture and also be sensitive that we do not intentionally do that which would cause others to stumble spiritually. We are to live in victory over sin and in harmony with our brothers and sisters as part of the family of God.
We believe the Church (also known as the Body or Bride of Christ in scripture) is a spiritual organism made up of all those in a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ, who are called to live in fellowship and worship together. We believe in the priesthood of all believers: everyone in relationship with Christ is gifted, empowered and called to serve within God’s mission to reach the world. The Church is God’s vehicle on earth to bring about God’s justice and mercy for all people.
We celebrate 2 sacraments. We encourage all believers to be baptized by immersion after conversion. We also offer the Lord’s Supper for all believers, who wish to participate, several times during the year at our Sunday worship services.