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Worship Arts
: to express appreciation, admiration, adoration, and allegiance to God through Jesus Christ, to regard God with great or extravagant respect
Music in the church is one way we express together a lifestyle of worship. Our worship service at NPC is a time of refocusing our minds and hearts on God while expressing praise and honor to our Savior through music and singing.

"Sing joyfully to the Lord all you righteous. For it is fitting and right to praise Him. Sing to the Lord a new song, play skillfully and shout for joy!"
Psalms 33:1, 3
Our teams meet once a week to rehearse and pray for the upcoming service. We desire to honor God with the unique talents He has given each of us.
If you are interested in being a part of the Worship and Tech team, please contact the church office at 440-256-3705.

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